The Ecuador – European Union trade agreement case study ecuadorian chocolate

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Nathaly Cecibel Negrón-Suárez
Dany Humberto Barreno-Pereira


Trade relations have given way to evolution and transformation over the years in international trade, in addition, the exchange of goods and services play an important role for productivity and performance in large and small companies. Ecuador has a diversity of products for export, where it is necessary to have an international treaty that supports Ecuadorian products, therefore, the theme of this research is the trade agreement. The objective of this academic article is to identify the benefits of the trade agreement between Ecuador and the European Union, a case study of Ecuadorian chocolate. The methodology that was implemented in the research is descriptive, it uses quantitative and qualitative data, a search of bibliographical references was also carried out in the database of scientific principle. The benefits granted by the trade agreement are the reduction of tariff barriers and the increase in production, promoting the industrialization of raw materials for the export of manufactured products. It is concluded that the benefits of the trade agreement promote the economy in companies and the country, beginning the centralization of a program for the production and export of products made through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries. 



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How to Cite
Negrón-Suárez , N., & Barreno-Pereira , D. . (2023). The Ecuador – European Union trade agreement case study ecuadorian chocolate . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 507-517.
Author Biographies

Nathaly Cecibel Negrón-Suárez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Nathaly Cecibel Negrón Suárez, graduated from the International Trade career of the Technical University of Machala. Student for 5 years, I have participated in expo fairs and attended congresses - conferences of my career both outside and inside the city, I have also received various subjects from teachers, I have also carried out projects that add my knowledge to carry out the article research academic within my area of ​​study, contributing scientific information to society. 

Dany Humberto Barreno-Pereira , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Ing. Dany Humberto Barreno Pereira Mgs. Professor of the Foreign Trade Career, of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the UTMACH, specialist in the development of research and investment projects, the professional approach is oriented to the development of organizations, communities and enterprises that allow economic development. With the investigation, it was possible to identify the business opportunities that the agreement between the Ecuadorian state and the European Union promotes to those who wish to export, with which they would access opportunities for business development and growth for entrepreneurs. 


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