Femicide and its injustice in the face of growing violence in Ecuador.

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Ivan Enrique Cazar-Cardenas
Fernando Eduardo Paredes-Fuertes


The development of this study focuses on the analysis of the phenomenon of femicide and its injustice in the face of the growth in rates of violence in Ecuador, taking as reference the different sources of law such as legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine. The applied methodology was based on the inductive method, suitable for a qualitative, analytical, documentary and bibliographical study, using legal hermeneutics as an analysis technique, which has been developed based on the current applicable legal regulations. The results obtained show that certainly given the growing number of gender violence in the country, there has been an increase in cases of femicide. Faced with this situation, the state, in its role as guarantor of human rights, has developed a legal system that includes femicide as a criminal offense, in addition, it has established plans and policies aimed at safeguarding integrity, ensuring women a life free of violence. . However, the regulations, plans and policies designed have not been sufficient to face this social scourge, so it is necessary for the State to promote education on violence against women, in addition to ensuring the execution of measures of protection of the victim to deal with violence and consequently femicide.


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How to Cite
Cazar-Cardenas, I. ., & Paredes-Fuertes, F. (2023). Femicide and its injustice in the face of growing violence in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 409-418. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.2-1.1734
Author Biography

Ivan Enrique Cazar-Cardenas , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamerica - Ecuador


Law student, Faculty of Jurisprudence and Political Science, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica 


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