Nutritional composition of a product such as Lupine Hummus and Dried Tomato
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The present investigation was developed to evaluate the nutritional content and determine the organoleptic acceptance of a hummus-type product using lupine and dehydrated tomato as the main raw material, which are produced locally in the Ecuadorian territory, promoting the production and generating the industrialization of Andean products accessible and beneficial for health. A formulation was developed applying 56% lupine and 30% dehydrated tomato, the nutritional content was evaluated obtaining the following results: 30.51% protein, 7.12% fiber, 10.43% carbohydrates; 3.2mg/100g iron; 7.2 mg / 100 g of calcium and finally 5.90% of total fat, presenting a higher protein content and sensory acceptance compared to a commercial hummus, thus showing that the application of lupine affects the nutritional value of the product and the dehydrated tomato. in the sensory acceptance of the panelists.
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