Quality of service and customer satisfaction at Bank Pichincha in Portoviejo

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Cindy Patricia Barreto-Vera
Rosa Maricela Cedeño-Zambrano


Service quality is an essential factor to be considered by any type of organization and is directly related to satisfaction. Thus, the perception of providing a quality service or having satisfied customers should be evaluated to improve the service being offered to society.

The research objective was to analyze the quality of service and its impact on customer satisfaction in the agency Reales Tamarindos of bank Pichincha in the city of Portoviejo, using as methodology the quantitative approach, descriptive non-experimental design, the SERvice PERFormance, categorized into 5 dimensions, tangible aspects, reliability, responsiveness, security and empathy, distributed in 22 questions; applied to a non-probabilistic purposive sample of 300 customers.

The results were as follows: tangible aspects were rated as high and very high; reliability was equally high and very high; responsiveness was perceived as high; safety was rated as high and very high; and empathy was high. Satisfaction was rated high. It is concluded that the perception of service quality by customers tends to be very high and this influences the satisfaction they feel for the service received, based on the security they perceive when they visit the facilities; the reliability provided by the staff in providing the promised service and the tangibility they perceive about the impeccable appearance of the staff and the infrastructure that the bank agency has.


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How to Cite
Barreto-Vera, C., & Cedeño-Zambrano, R. (2023). Quality of service and customer satisfaction at Bank Pichincha in Portoviejo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 490-506. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3.1704
Author Biographies

Cindy Patricia Barreto-Vera, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Student of the Master's program in Business Administration, Postgraduate Institute, Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Marketing Engineer. 

Rosa Maricela Cedeño-Zambrano, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


PhD in Accounting and Financial Sciences at the University of Havana, Cuba. Magister in Education and Social Development, Commercial Engineer, Programmer Technologist, Professor of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador.


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