Strategies for the sustainable construction of houses in the “Shuar Cultural Center” Association (Ecuador), adapted to its rural environment
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This article seeks to generate strategies for the sustainable construction of housing for the members of the Shuar Cultural Center Association; from the identification of materials and construction methods used in the Shuar settlements of the Francisco de Orellana Canton, the analysis of the local climate and the sociocultural perception of the inhabitants. Methodology. The research is of the Pure Basic type, its level is descriptive and explanatory. It addresses the problem of study through documentary research, systematic data collection, and climatological analysis. Results are presented with a qualitative and quantitative approach through the application of 2 research instruments: observation sheet and survey. Results. The typologies of constructions and the materials identified in the Shuar settlements are described, and the results of the socio-cultural perception surveys of the owners of the evaluated houses and of the partners are presented. With this background and the characteristics of the local climate, as well as the stereographic projection, passive bioclimatic strategies are proposed, and a construction system adapted to the availability of materials and the conditions of the rural environment of the site is outlined. Conclusion The passive bioclimatic strategies and the construction system include contemporary and vernacular materials that respond to the needs of comfort, adaptation to the climate, and the Shuar cultural manifestation.
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