Financial statements and business decision-making

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Paola Elizabeth Guim-Bustos
Oswaldo Martillo-Mieles
Vladimir Alexander Guerrero-Corte


The development of accounting entries represents a mandatory task for all companies, however, it is also an instrument that provides great ease for management since when knowing how the profits or orders of the organization are, how many expenses, investments, liabilities, assets and patrimony it is more feasible to determine the action plan to improve conditions. This article was developed with the objective of describing the importance of financial statements in managerial decision-making processes. The methodology used is that of a quantitative investigation within the documentary design, for which a survey of various sources related to the subject was made. The findings of the statements where the financial situation is expressed, such as the one that shows the economic situation of an entity, is a favorable tool since periodic cuts are made where changes in the income of commercial activities are displayed, which in some organizations that present Negative points allow you to increase assets and equity as a means to rectify the debts acquired as a result of losses.


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How to Cite
Guim-Bustos, P. ., Martillo-Mieles, O. ., & Guerrero-Corte, V. . (2023). Financial statements and business decision-making. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2), 149-160.
Author Biographies

Paola Elizabeth Guim-Bustos, Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Economist Master in Taxation and Finance University Professor currently at the Catholic University Santiago de Guayaquil.

Oswaldo Martillo-Mieles, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

I am a Commercial Engineer and Master in Business Administration, experience of more than 10 years as a teacher, currently working at the University of Guayaquil. He has expertise in finance and budget preparation for private companies.

Vladimir Alexander Guerrero-Corte, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Professor investigated at the University of Guayaquil of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in the Bachelor of Finance career. Magister in Taxation, Commercial Engineer, CPA, graduated from the University of Guayaquil with 6 years of teaching experience in subjects related to taxes, accounting and finance.


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