Symbolic game in the development of social interaction skills in 5-year-old children from two Public Educational Institutions in the district of Ate-Lima
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The present research work entitled "Symbolic play in the development of social interaction skills in 5-year-old children, Lima 2021", aims to determine the incidence of symbolic play in social interaction skills in 5-year-old children. The approach was quantitative, non-experimental design, explanatory level. The sample was non-probabilistic, intentional, making up a total of 90 boys and girls enrolled in classrooms for 5 years of initial education. The instruments used were a 16-item observation guide to measure symbolic play with Cronbach's Alpha 0.985; and a 24-item questionnaire to measure Social Interaction skills, with Cronbach's Alpha 0.991; the instruments were validated by expert judgment with the qualification of applicable. As a result, it was obtained that the adjustment model indicates dependency by associating symbolic play and social interaction skills. And according to the Chi-square values is 28,200 and p = ,000 < α, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, it is stated that the model explains 38.8% (Nagelkerke = 0.388) of the variability of social interaction skills.
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