Appearance of medical, legal and psychological experts in the judgment of contraventions of violence against women and members of the family nucleus: violation of the right to de-fense?

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Segundo David Bravo-Yandun
Luis Alberto Fernández-Piedra


This article deals with the violation of the right to due process, in terms of the basic guarantee of the right to defense; and, legal certainty, because, by express mandate of what is stipulated in article 643, number 15, of the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code, it does not oblige the professionals (experts) of the technical offices of the courts of violence against the woman and the family to appear at the Judgment Hearing to support their reports, but rather, they are only annexed to the process and are valued by the judge. This refusal to appear, entails the violation of the right to defense, since it makes it impossible to practice and contradict the evidence within the trial hearing, which is why the main objective of study of this article , is the analysis of the theoretical-practical postulates of the right to defense and the contradiction of the evidence, allowing to determine if the absence of the experts in the trial is transcendental, in terms of the right to defense of the prosecuted persons. The research method used is analytical, within which, through the study of a specific case (practical case) and interviews, it allows us to legally analyze the topic addressed.


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How to Cite
Bravo-Yandun, S. ., & Fernández-Piedra, L. . (2023). Appearance of medical, legal and psychological experts in the judgment of contraventions of violence against women and members of the family nucleus: violation of the right to de-fense?. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 181-194.
Author Biographies

Segundo David Bravo-Yandun, Tribunales y Juzgados de la República del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador 


Sub-Coordinator of the Oversight of the Monitoring and Supervision of the Pre-Contractual and Contractual Stage of the construction of the first stage of the sanitary and storm sewer system of the canton of La Concordia, Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas, accredited by the Council for Citizen Participation and Control Social 


Former Trustee of the Federation of University Students of Ecuador (FEUE), of the Central University of Ecuador 


Former member of the Electoral Council of the Central University of Ecuador 

Luis Alberto Fernández-Piedra, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Graduate in Social, Political and Economic Sciences. UNL. (11-XII-1984). 

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. UNL. (9-XII-1987). 

Doctor of Jurisprudence. UNL. (6-XI-1987). 

Senior Specialist in Procedural Law. UASB (10-I-2002). 

Higher Diploma in Constitutional Law. UASB (12-XII-2002). 

Magister in Law, Mention Constitutional Law. UASB (2-VIII-2004). 

Senior Specialist in Administrative Law. UASB (14-III-2005). 

PhD Candidate in Law, PHD, UASB (YEAR 2005 - 2008). 

Magister in Criminal Law, Procedural Law Mention. UCE (9-V-2015). 


Published Works: 


1.- “The Accusatory System and Respect for Human Rights”, June 2003. 


2.- “Detention and Preventive Prison in Ecuador”, November 2004. 

3.- "My First Poems and My First Songs", February 2005. 

4.- "Necessary Reforms to the Current Criminal Procedure Code", May 2006. 


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