Analysis of exports of the shrimp industry in the province of El Oro, period 2020 – 2021

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Ana Patricia Sánchez-Ulloa
Gregorio Rigoberto Palma-Macías


Ecuador is one of the main producing and trading countries in the world, and specifically the province of El Oro that produces shrimp. The objective of this research is to identify problems, causes, effects, and motivations of the shrimp industry in the province of El Oro in the period 2020 -2021. The method used is non-experimental descriptive with the use of primary and secondary information sources, from which qualitative and quantitative data on exports of shrimp production at the level of Ecuador and the province are analyzed. The results obtained demonstrate the large percentage of participation of companies in the production of shrimp to be exported to countries preferably the United States and China. It is concluded that the shrimp industry is a key factor in the economy of the province, which would motivate the generation of other shrimp-derived products with excellent prospects for economic income, contributing to the regional and national GDP of Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Ulloa , A. ., & Palma-Macías , G. . (2023). Analysis of exports of the shrimp industry in the province of El Oro, period 2020 – 2021 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(3), 110-118.
Author Biographies

Ana Patricia Sánchez-Ulloa , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Teacher of secondary education in Spanish language and literature, Bachelor's degree in basic education, student of master's degree in business administration. 

I was motivated to write this research on shrimp because of the boom in cultivation and export that has the province of El Oro. 

Gregorio Rigoberto Palma-Macías, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Accounting and Auditing career, Master in management of educational and social projects, responsible for the career design commission of the UTM Accounting and Auditing career. 


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