Emotional states of college students in the assessment of learning

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Wilson Alexander Zambrano-Vélez
María Fernanda Reyes-Santacruz
Edwar Salazar-Arango
Andrea Annabella Del Pezo-Laínez


Emotions are an essential part of human beings because they are present in various aspects of life; the academic field is no stranger to this situation, as it has been shown that when the student takes an exam he/she experiences different emotions. The main objective of this research was to determine the emotional states of the students of the Early Childhood Education Career of the Peninsula de Santa Elena State University in relation to the evaluation of learning. The methodology used corresponds to the quantitative approach, field research of descriptive scope and non-experimental design. For the collection of information, a survey was used through a questionnaire that was validated by Expert Criteria. The sample consisted of 120 students of the Early Childhood Education Program-UPSE, selected by simple random probability sampling. The main results show in a statistically significant percentage that university students experience positive and negative emotions, being anxiety the negative emotion and hope the positive emotion that predominated before the learning evaluation, while during the evaluation these decreased considerably.


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Vélez, W. ., Reyes-Santacruz, M. ., Salazar-Arango, E. ., & Del Pezo-Laínez, A. . (2023). Emotional states of college students in the assessment of learning . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2), 245-251. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.2.1650
Author Biographies

Wilson Alexander Zambrano-Vélez, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Clinical Psychologist with a Master's Degree in Counseling and Family Education. He has 8 years of experience in Psychological Attention to children, adolescents and adults with emotional and behavioral problems. He has 5 years of experience in university teaching, also participates as a collaborator and director in research and outreach projects at the Peninsula Santa Elena State University. He has published scientific articles in journals of regional impact as well as book chapters.

María Fernanda Reyes-Santacruz, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Early Childhood Educator with a Master's Degree in Educational Management and Innovation with International Certification as an Infant Massage Instructor. She has 5 years of experience in university teaching, she also participates as a teacher coordinator of the Pre-professional Practice of the Early Childhood Education Career at the Peninsula de Santa Elena State University. She has published scientific articles in journals of regional and global impact, as well as book chapters.

Edwar Salazar-Arango, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports - Master's in Recreation and Free Time - Teacher: Peninsula State University of Santa Elena - UPSE - Initial Education Career; Basic Education, Physical Education. Coordinator of the research area, Initial Education Career; member of the ADEPIN network - Ecuador. Participation in national and international events related to the occupational field and professional role with publications of scientific-academic articles in indexed journals.

Andrea Annabella Del Pezo-Laínez, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Student of the Early Childhood Education Program at Peninsula Santa Elena State University. During the last three academic periods she has received awards for best academic performance. At present, she collaborates in Research and Linking Projects of the Career and the Faculty of Education Sciences and Languages-UPSE. She has a book chapter published.


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