Application of the 5S methodology in a warehouse for improvement in a sugar industry

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Cintia del Carmen Hernández-Crisostomo
Raciel Ivan Villagrana-Lopez
Kevin Jafeth Cruz-Queb
Andrea Vianey Caamal-Pech


Every day there are more companies that choose to apply Japanese methodologies to provide greater safety, productivity and work excellence in the workplace (Ochoa and Valdiviezo, 2022), and it is well known that the application of the 5S in a company has achieved improvements in this. The 5S methodology is very easy to apply, it's just a matter of will. The 5S is a tool to implement derived from the Japanese terms: Seiri (selection), Seiton (order), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (standardize) and Shitsuke (self-discipline) (Piñero, Vivas and Flores, 2018). The objective of this research was to apply the 5S methodology in a spare parts warehouse to improve working conditions, which allow the execution of tasks in an organized manner. The results were satisfactory, achieving a 93% effectiveness, now finding the materials and racks identified, thus reducing the search time, reducing errors in the inputs and outputs of material. 


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How to Cite
Hernández-Crisostomo, C. del C. ., Villagrana-Lopez , R. ., Cruz-Queb, K. ., & Caamal-Pech, A. . (2023). Application of the 5S methodology in a warehouse for improvement in a sugar industry. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 317-327.
Author Biographies

Cintia del Carmen Hernández-Crisostomo, Tecnológico Nacional de México - México

I am an Industrial Engineer in Business Development, with a master's degree in Pedagogy and Teaching Practice, currently studying a PhD in Projects. 

Full-time Professor Associate "C", of the Higher Technological of Champotón. I worked in the area of ​​environmental engineering, and I am currently working in the area of ​​basic sciences and in Logistics Engineering 

Raciel Ivan Villagrana-Lopez , Tecnológico Nacional de México - México

Engineer in computer systems from the Technological Institute of La Laguna, and Master in Administration of Information Technologies, from the Autonomous University of Carmen. EFS Certified by Capstone Microturbine, in Chastwort, LA. USA. In Generation systems with Microturbines. 


Teacher "A", in the careers of Logistics Engineering and Electromechanical Engineering. 

Kevin Jafeth Cruz-Queb, Tecnológico Nacional de México - México

Student of the Seventh Semester of Logistics Engineering making contributions in the area of ​​research and application of methodologies in collaboration with my teachers 

Andrea Vianey Caamal-Pech, Instituto tecnológico superior de Champotón - México

I am currently a logistics engineering student, I participated in the national summit of technological development, research and innovation. InnovaTecNM 2022, in its local pase. 

I have two online courses from the NOM-006-STPS-2014 part (I Y II) handling and storage of materials. 

I have a course from the Mexican Institute of Higher Education of Social Security: Safe Return. 

I participated in the week of science and technology ITESCHAM 2022, with the activity of big data for sustainable development. 


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