Psychological factors of the families of the Camino Real Campeche in the period of covid-19

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María Teresita de Jesús Chi Chan
José Rubén Bacab-Sánchez
María Eugenia López-Ponce
Doriano Sacramento-Cruz
Annie Vigelmi Castellanos-Herrera


When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a health emergency on January 30, 2020, humanity was affected in health, economic, social and psychological factors, for this reason this pandemic is an event that deals with a humanitarian crisis. Although, various factors were related that not only involved physical health, but also psychological factors that affected families were related. The objective of this research is to determine the different psychological factors that occurred in times of Covid-19 in families on the Camino Real de Campeche. The methodology has been collected from a sample, which consists of 275 surveys, the simplified formula for simple random sampling was used for the estimation of proportions, for the measurement of the variables anxiety, stress and depression. The results show that the confinement imposed by the authorities and in the face of a threat of contagion by Covid-19, the main psychological factors were 35% (n = 98) presented stress problems, 32% (n = 87) with problems of anxiety, 22% (n = 60) had depression problems. These psychological factors during the pandemic were increasing more and more over time.



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How to Cite
Chi Chan, M., Bacab-Sánchez, J., López-Ponce, M. E., Sacramento-Cruz, D., & Castellanos-Herrera, A. (2022). Psychological factors of the families of the Camino Real Campeche in the period of covid-19. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 335-343.
Author Biographies

María Teresita de Jesús Chi Chan, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Calkiní, Campeche - México

Born in Hecelchakán, Campeche, she obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Business Administration, a Master's Degree in Agricultural and Natural Resources Economics and the PhD in Agricultural Economics at the Autonomous University Chapingo. It is PRODEP profile of the TECNM. He conducted research in the economic-administrative area.

José Rubén Bacab-Sánchez, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Calkiní, Campeche - México

Agricultural Engineer Specialist in Agricultural Economics from Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (1997). With a Master's degree in Economics from the Colegio de Postgraduados (2002) and a PhD in Management Sciences from the Universidad Hispanoamericana Justo Sierra (2015). He has published several articles indexed in different journals. He has been speaker in different academic events at national and international level.

María Eugenia López-Ponce, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Calkiní, Campeche - México

Dr. María Eugenia López, has a Doctorate in Administration Sciences, with a Master's Degree in Education Sciences and a Bachelor's Degree in Administration. Serves as Full-Time Professor A of the Calkiní Higher Technological Institute in the State of Campeche (2006 to date). Member of the TecNM-PRODEP Strategic Group of the Academic Strengthening Area of the Postgraduate, Research and Technological Innovation Department of TecNM. It has 3 Recognitions for Desirable Profile and Current PRODEP Support, Leader of the Academic Body in Consolidation (2021-2024): Technological Innovation System, Skills Development and Quality Systems Management, cultivating the LGAC Business Technological Innovation and Research Systems.

Doriano Sacramento-Cruz, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Calkiní, Campeche - México

Originally from Veracruz, Mexico. He studied the Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration at the Autonomous University of Chapingo, completed the Master of Science in Natural Resource Economics and the Doctor of Science in Agricultural Economics. He has participated in various research projects and worked in consultancies. Profile is PRODEP.

Annie Vigelmi Castellanos-Herrera, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Calkiní, Campeche - México 0000-0002-0670-3482

Graduated in business administration from the Universidad Mesoamericana de San Agustín, with a master's degree in business planning and regional development from the Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida, doctoral candidate in management sciences, full-time professor at the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Calkiní, collaborator in the academic body: Systems of Technological Innovation, development of competencies and management of quality systems Key: ITESCAM-CA-2, contributing to the line of research: Systems of Innovation and Technological Business Research.


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