Development of a disruptive delivery food Start-up to support the economic reactivation of the municipality of Ixtapaluca, State of MexicoAbstract
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In the preamble to the financial crisis caused by COVID 19, the need arises to create enterprises that promote the development of the country. The objective of this project was to support one of the most affected sectors during the pandemic: the food services sector in a marginalized community in the municipality of Ixtapaluca, State of Mexico. For this, a food delivery startup called was created based on the methodology of the Canvas business model. This enterprise has generated jobs and has allowed the adaptation to the new needs that arose in a neglected market for this geographical area. Also through the realization of strategic alliances, the use of platforms, QR codes, social networks, etc. Support has been given to micro and small businesses dedicated to food preparation by granting them publicity, a home delivery service and more forms of payment; tools that are not always available as they are small businesses with limited capacities. This venture was the first in the area mentioned and allowed businesses to continue offering their food in the area, while generating profits for investors and jobs for the area, so the Canvas model developed, can be replicated in other areas and thus contribute to regional socioeconomic development.
Keywords: Canvas model, food, entrepreneurship, startup
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