Strategic plan for the improvement of managerial skills of a cell phone company

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Tania Karina Gamas-López
Ana Ruth Ulloa-Pimienta


Management skills are those skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to be able to manage one-self, as well as the relationships with others that involve a planned level of commitment that leads to a supervised deployment, and that thereby allows the achievement of the objectives set. This Research is aimed at the medium-sized cell phone company, located in Monterrey, Nuevo León, dedicated to cell technology and speed dial service. The objective is to propose a strategic plan that allows the company to improve management skills in order to strengthen the capabili-ties of its managers and collaborators. The applied methodology is of a qualitative & explanatory approach, by establishing the cause-effect relationship, the reasons that influence managerial behavior were determined, as part of the scope of the study. In conclusion: factors were identi-fied such as: lack of commitment and motivation, a relationship of staff dissatisfaction and lack of leadership is noted. The proposal is composed first of a situational diagnosis; then it is defined by factors that influence managerial behavior and finally operational strategies are proposed that must be carried out to increase productivity and managerial effectiveness to comply with the strategic plan.


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How to Cite
Gamas-López, T. ., & Ulloa-Pimienta, A. (2023). Strategic plan for the improvement of managerial skills of a cell phone company. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 166-175.
Author Biographies

Tania Karina Gamas-López, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Villa la Venta - México

Graduated and titled Business Management Engineering from the Superior Technological Institute of Villa la Venta. He currently works in the business area.


Ana Ruth Ulloa-Pimienta, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Villa la Venta - México

PhD in Administration. Research teacher at the Higher Technological Institute of Villa la Venta, Huimanguillo, Tabasco. Attached to the Business Management Engineering division. Research lines: teaching & learning, human talent management and entrepreneurship.


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