Development of sensory skills in children from 0 to 2 years of age from the Chimborazo CNH

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Ariana Lisbeth Arteaga-Posligua
Pierina Yamileth Rivadeneira-Barre


This article derives from the research carried out on "development of sensory skills in children from 0 to 2 years of age of the Chimborazo chn", carried out for the business project work of the Paulo Emilio Higher Technological Institute of the higher technology career. in comprehensive child development. This research was carried out under the qualitative paradigm and is part of the type of descriptive study, it has a sample of 15 boys and girls from the cnh Chimborazo Ecuador; The data was collected through observations through sensory games with a cardboard train. One of the most important find-
ings of this research was the identification of factors that directly intervene in the development of sensory skills and that affect learning in boys and girls.


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How to Cite
Arteaga-Posligua , A. ., & Rivadeneira-Barre , P. . (2023). Development of sensory skills in children from 0 to 2 years of age from the Chimborazo CNH. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(3), 200-208.
Author Biographies

Ariana Lisbeth Arteaga-Posligua , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macias  - Ecuador

I was born in Ecuador on December 28, 1985, I studied primary school at the Doctor Camilo Gallegos Dominguez basic education school, I did my secondary studies at the Colegio Nacional Mixto 5 de Junio, my higher education studies were done at the Technical University of Manabí obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. I started working at the Santa Maria de la Esperanza Foundation with cases of children and adolescents with special protection, from 2014 to January 2015. In March 2015 I joined the Education District, working as Coordinator of the Student Counseling Department until June 2016. In June 2016 was hired by SOS Children's Villages for a social intervention project for vulnerable groups due to the 2016 earthquake, until December 2016. 

In June 2017, I started working at the OLEODAVILA SA African Palm Oil Extraction Factory, until October 2019. I am currently a higher education teacher at the Paulo Emilio Macias Higher Technological Institute, coordinating Departments of Institutional Welfare. 

Pierina Yamileth Rivadeneira-Barre , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Born in the Canton Chone Province of Manabí, I completed my primary and secondary studies with good grades, I am studying the Comprehensive Child Development career, in which an intervention project has been carried out as well as pre-professional practices at the CNH Tiernos Corazones


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