Main influencing variables of motivation to transfer within the areas of education and management: A literature review

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Christian Jaramillo-Baquerizo


Transfer, that is, the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in a formal educational environment to a new context is an important area of research within the fields of education and management. Motivation to transfer is consistently identified in the literature as one of the most influencing variables in the transfer process. However, there is a lack of knowledge on how to motivate the learner to apply the content learned in training to a new context. The present study seeks to identify the predictors of motivation to transfer by reviewing the literature on the related fields of education and management. Results suggest that predictors cluster around variables related to the learner, the work environment, and less on variables related to the design of the intervention. The present study highlights the need for more research of qualitative nature, especially on education is needed to further the understanding on motivation to transfer.


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Jaramillo, C. (2020). Main influencing variables of motivation to transfer within the areas of education and management: A literature review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(1), 4-17.
Author Biography

Christian Jaramillo-Baquerizo, Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar - Ecuador

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación y Máster por la Seton Hall University, USA. PhD en Ciencias de la Educación por la Ghent University, Bélgica. Es docente y director del Área Académica de Educación de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar – Ecuador.


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