The contribution of microcredits to the commercial sector of the city of Santo Domingo, Ecuador

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Andrés Bernabé Díaz-Toral
Nohemí Monserrate Palacios-Cedeño


Microcredits are not only an element to cover an emerging need for working capital, their importance has increased so much that they currently represent an important tool for the revitalization of the various commercial activities carried out by merchants and entrepreneurs from different social strata in urban, urban-marginal and rural sectors of different cities and cantons of Ecuadorian territory.

The research objective was focused on determining the contribution that microcredits make to the commercial sector of 3 de Julio Street in the city of Santo Domingo in Ecuador, through the application of a questionnaire to a non-probabilistic sample by convenience of 50 merchants of the sector, and consequently the use of the analysis method. The results revealed a higher percentage of women engaged in trade, with a primary education, whose age ranges between 51-60 years and a time of more than 21 years in the activity, predominantly clothing and footwear trade; who had a regular economic situation that changed to good when they used the microcredit in the business.

Most of the traders have obtained 1-3 microcredits of the extended accumulation type, with amounts greater than $10,000, granted by private banks with a frequency of application upon cancellation of the previous one. The benefits perceived include both for the business and the family, the increase in profits and improvement of the children's education; giving work to a family member, receiving larger amounts of credit; the microcredit is used for the purchase of merchandise.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Toral , A. ., & Palacios-Cedeño , N. . (2023). The contribution of microcredits to the commercial sector of the city of Santo Domingo, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 176-189.
Author Biographies

Andrés Bernabé Díaz-Toral , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Economist from the Technical University of Manabí, Student of the Master's program in Business Administration, Technical University of Manabí. With experience in administrative and operational positions in a non-carbonated beverage company and correspondingly money services area and coordinator of socioeconomic projects. 

Nohemí Monserrate Palacios-Cedeño , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Economist, Master's degree in education and local development, Equinoccial Technological University, Master's degree in financial management and advice, Universidad La Rioja, doctoral candidate at the University of Córdova, research professor at the Economics Department of the Technical University of Manabí, director of several projects of research in the Economics Career which have been published and presented at various events nationwide 


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