Active pedagogical strategy for meaningful learning of the subject cultural and artistic education

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Mery Alexandra Rodriguez-Panchi
Fredy Leonardo Ibarra-Sandoval


As technology advances, the world becomes more demanding revealing new needs, even more if they are about education, where it is important to be updated to strengthen the teaching learning process which starts in a classroom through pedagogical strategies applied by teachers. In such way, the educative process has constant challenges that look for innovative solutions, for this reason teachers must acquire new knowledge and domains about the best strategies to achieve the students’ interest in order to reach meaningful learning for life. The objective of this research is to implement an active pedagogical strategy based on the web tool “Google Sities” for the development of significant knowledge of superior basic general education students. This research was developed with a quantitative approach of quasi-experimental type with the survey technique. Briefly, this research is focused on the contribution in the teaching learning process to achieve an educational management of quality and warmth.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez-Panchi, M., & Ibarra-Sandoval, F. (2023). Active pedagogical strategy for meaningful learning of the subject cultural and artistic education. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 199-212.
Author Biographies

Mery Alexandra Rodriguez-Panchi, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Mery Rodriguez, of Ecuadorian nationality, born on March 19, 1991, the third level title is of Engineer in computer graphic design, work experience teaching basic general education and high school. 

Fredy Leonardo Ibarra-Sandoval, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Sede Ambato

Ibarra-Sandoval Fredy, Full-time teacher and researcher from the Catholic University of Ecuador, Ambato headquarters, for more than nine years. Entrepreneur and academic in the areas of business administration, business and higher education, his chairs are inclined to the areas of marketing, planning and strategic management and entrepreneurship. He studied philosophy, theology and administration. He is currently completing doctoral studies in management administration.


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