The forensic audit and its contribution in the investigation of financial fraud

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Viviana Elizabeth Molina-Gómez
María Fernanda Mendoza-Saltos


The objective of this paper is to analyze the contribution of forensic auditing in the investigation of financial fraud. The methodology proposed with a qualitative approach of the correlational transactional type (causal), of the Bibliographic - Documentary type, deepens the conceptual bases and the inference of the data obtained; This contribution constitutes a methodological implementation guide for the business, professional, student and community sectors in general that show interest in the subject.

The bibliographic-documentary, systematic and empirical review, the analysis in context of the interaction between the intervening variables, the normative approach that bases the classification of financial crimes and defines the role of the expert auditor in the pre-trial and criminal trial investigation of fraud Will you be able to determine what is the contribution of the forensic audit in the investigation of financial fraud?

The open interview and the approach to the main cases of commotion currently being investigated by the State Attorney General's Office reveals the social need to implement institutionalization in the investigation of financial fraud, which technically and scientifically addresses the facts as a contributing response to the administration system. of justice, in response to the public policy of fighting corruption.


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How to Cite
Molina-Gómez , V. ., & Mendoza-Saltos, M. . (2022). The forensic audit and its contribution in the investigation of financial fraud. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 397-414.
Author Biographies

Viviana Elizabeth Molina-Gómez , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Authorized Public Accountant, works as a Financial Administrative Analyst in the National Service of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, from June 2018 to the present. 

María Fernanda Mendoza-Saltos, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Master in Accounting and Auditing, undergraduate and graduate professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Accounting and Auditing career, former coordinator of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the UTM, Coordinator of the Accounting master's program and Audit of the Postgraduate Institute of the UTM. 


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