Absolute job stability for people with disabilities: An effective mechanism for the comprehensive development of their rights

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Tanya Tupamara Camargo-Martínez
Carlos Vinicio Aguirre-Tobar


The objective of the investigation, the mechanisms of knowledge about our national legislation and comparative regulations regarding the right to job stability, of people with disabilities, were verified. A grounded theory method was applied for the analysis of the Constitutional Court judgments, regarding the right to job stability in Ecuador for people with disabilities, in order to verify whether it is fully complying with formal equality before the law and if there are no discrimination mechanisms between workers and servers with disabilities governed by the Organic Law of Public Service and workers of the Labor Code. It was concluded that the labor regulations in Ecuador violate formal equality before the law, due to the existence of regulations with different rights and obligations, which regulate the access, disciplinary regime and exit to work of the servers, a situation that is a substantial problem that constantly undermines rights.


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How to Cite
Camargo-Martínez , T. ., & Aguirre-Tobar, C. . (2022). Absolute job stability for people with disabilities: An effective mechanism for the comprehensive development of their rights. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-1), 297-309. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.6-1.1570
Author Biographies

Tanya Tupamara Camargo-Martínez , Uniandes - Ecuador


Tanya Camargo has a degree in Legal Informatics, Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic, and a Magister in Education and Social Development. 

Carlos Vinicio Aguirre-Tobar, Universidad de los Hemisferios - Ecuador

Carlos Aguirre has a degree in public and social sciences, Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals, Higher Diploma in University Teaching, Specialist in Criminal Procedure Law 


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