Tax Incentives are a key factor in the sustainable development of Zone Three of Ecuador

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Mariela Cristina Chango-Galarza
Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez
Nelly Fabiola Chicaiza-Lema
Walter Humberto Navas-Olmedo


The main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of tax incentives in the development of companies that make up zone three of Ecuador in recent years, it is important to emphasize that this work is the product of the need that taxpayers have in each one. of the prioritized sectors, in order to contribute to the economic development of the Country taking tax incentives as a reference, this time the agricultural sector that generates a great contribution to zonal development will be analyzed, it is intended to contribute to the sustainability of the agricultural sector, this was achieved through documentary and field bibliographic research through the implementation of information collection methods called surveys. The information collection method allowed establishing the lack of skills in the sector, contributing to the little application of incentives and care for the environment, by not being used efficiently, due to ignorance, lack of training in tax reforms and scarcity dissemination by regulatory bodies. Consequently, the different organizations have focused on resorting to other types of strategies, leaving aside sustainability and taxation as a transversal axis for their economic and social development.


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How to Cite
Chango-Galarza, M., Cárdenas-Pérez, A., Chicaiza-Lema, N. ., & Navas-Olmedo, W. . (2022). Tax Incentives are a key factor in the sustainable development of Zone Three of Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 115-125.
Author Biographies

Mariela Cristina Chango-Galarza, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE - Ecuador

She studied at the Technical University of Ambato, graduated obtaining the title of Engineering in Accounting and Auditing CPA. His fourth level studies were carried out at the University of the Armed Forces. He has a Master's degree in Business Management - Mention SMEs. He is currently a professor at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE; Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS-SMEs from the Knowledge Management Center UNIVERSITAS, C.A. RIF, Diploma in IFRS certified by UNNACE; certification as Tax Expert granted by the College of Public Accountants of Pichincha, she is currently coordinator of Pre-professional Practices of the Accounting and Auditing Career, Coordinator of the Accounting and Auditing areas, Independent Accountant - Financial Consultant "Tax Advisors D&M”. 


In professional development, he is an Accountant for Medium and Small Businesses, academically, he is the director of the external research project "Tax Incentives", a participating teacher in the research project, directing the artisans of the province of Cotopaxi, publication of books and book chapters, indexed articles. 

Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE | Instituto Superior Tecnológico España - Ecuador

Economist, MBA, Postgraduate in University Education from ESPE, Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Monterrey and Cambridge University, PhD candidate in Accounting Sciences. Research Director of the Department of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, Ecuador. Director of the Master's in Accounting and Finance with a mention in Taxation. 

Research Professor at the ESPE and at the Higher Technological Institute of Spain. 

Nelly Fabiola Chicaiza-Lema , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE - Ecuador

Technologist in Logistics and Transportation, Engineer in Business Administration and Master in Business Administration, administrator of the BGP oil company community relations department, teacher for 5 years in the Higher Technology in Logistics and Transportation ESPE Career, 2 years as Career Director of Higher Technology in Logistics and Transport ESPE. 

Walter Humberto Navas-Olmedo, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE | Instituto Superior Tecnológico España - Ecuador

Doctorate in Administrative Sciences PhD National University of San Marcos Peru, Master in Distance Education from UTPL, Master in Business Management from the University of the Armed Forces, Master in Innovation Eseune Spain, Higher Diploma in Management by Competences from the University Frank País García from Cuba, Diploma in Strategic Management from the University of Belgrano in Argentina, Diploma in Market Research from UNAM in Mexico, Research Professor at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, Professor in charge of Technological Development and Innovation at the Higher Technological Institute of Spain , Author of scientific articles and Speaker at international conferences 


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