Is it a reliable customer? ... Traditional data mining and Fintech for the calculation of profitability

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Cristian Garces
Alexandra González


This paper presents a proposal for the detection of reliable corporate clients based on their user profiles in credit institutions, according to an automatic classification model based on neural networks, which achieves high accuracy in relation to traditional learning algorithms. For the development of the mining model, we use an adaptation of the CRISP-DM methodology that allows the creation of a reliable model that can be integrated into cloud service platforms. The implementation of this model offers reduced time to calculate customer profitability; it is easy to apply in corporate services and the visualization of the results for the consultation and decision-making. Thus, the model constitutes a valid Fintech proposal for corporate and finance   companies.


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How to Cite
Garces, C., & González, A. (2019). Is it a reliable customer? . Traditional data mining and Fintech for the calculation of profitability. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(5-1), 79-90.
IV Encuentro Nacional de Finanzas Fintech y Cooperativismo


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