El Nursing OPT for learning and assessment of palliative care in Nursing. From assessment for passing to assessment for learning

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Luz Marina Cano-Molano
Orlando Pacheco-Hernández
Jairo Echeverry-Raad Jairo Echeverry-Raad
Sandra Isabel Enciso-Galindo


Assesment is the process by which one person observes the performance of another. The characteristics of an ideal evaluation are validity, reliability, acceptability, profitability and educational impact (Schuwirth et al., 2017); Fulfilling these characteristics is a challenge for the evaluation designer, hence the need to combine strategies that allow the subject to be evaluated comprehensively. Currently, the Outcome Present State Test -OPT model is a tool that establishes a structure for the clinical reasoning of problems, focusing them on the expected results in nursing practice. It raises the importance of reorienting the teaching and learning of the nursing process by thinking about it in reflective terms, facilitating the development of clinical reasoning skills. The objective was to measure the relative learning increase (RAI) of clinical reasoning in palliative nursing through the use of the OPT Model as a pedagogical and evaluation strategy in the fifth semester of nursing at the Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas. This is an observational study, which measured the relative increase in learning clinical reasoning in palliative nursing through the use of the OPT Model, with a programmatic evaluation system, which evaluated clinical reasoning in palliative nursing with a clinical case in two moments. The first day of the module as diagnostic evaluation and the last day as exit evaluation. The two results were compared with the AKI measure, as follows; The calculation of the IRA was carried out by virtue of the following function: ((Score in the EDS - Score in the EDI) / Score in the EDI)). (EDI, Diagnostic Evaluation of Admission, EDS, exit evaluation). Regarding the results, learning was 230% for the overall course. The average yield increase was up 1.3 times. There were no significant differences by gender. We conclude that evaluation is a learning tool (Cano et. al, 2017) when we manage to design objective, transparent instruments that allow us to identify the process and where both the teacher and the student recognize the objective of their learning by providing feedback in time. real. The assessment of clinical reasoning in palliative nursing through the use of OPT as a pedagogical strategy and evaluation instrument is innovative and provides substantial elements for curricular alignment (Biggs, 2011). and systematic, progressive and a fair assesment


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How to Cite
Cano-Molano, L. M., Pacheco-Hernández, O., Jairo Echeverry-Raad, J. E.-R., & Enciso-Galindo, S. I. (2023). El Nursing OPT for learning and assessment of palliative care in Nursing.: From assessment for passing to assessment for learning. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1), 223-232. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.1.1555
Author Biographies

Luz Marina Cano-Molano, Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas - Colombia



General Surgeon, with a Master's Degree in Medical Education and Palliative Care; Ph.D in Education and 'Ph.D in Complex Thought. Advanced Training in difficult life conversations. Research Professor of the Rector of the FUJNC. University Professor at the Universidad el Bosque in the Bioethics Master's Degree and professor at the El Rosario University in the Master's Degree in Education for Health Professionals. Leader of the EDUTRANS research group, recognized by Minciencias and Junior Researcher categorized by MinCiencias

Orlando Pacheco-Hernández, Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas - Colombia



Nurse, with masters degree in Public Health, Faculty teacher and researcher

Jairo Echeverry-Raad Jairo Echeverry-Raad, Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas - Colombia



Physician, Pediatrician with training in Clinical Epidemiology. Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Colombia. Fields of interest: Epistemology of medical research, tests and diagnostic process, evidence integration studies (systematic reviews and meta-analysis), development and validation of scales, educational epidemiology


Sandra Isabel Enciso-Galindo, Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas - Colombia



PhD candidate in Education and ICT, Master in Teacher Training in Teaching and Research for Higher Education, Graduate in Chemistry. With teaching, research and curricular design experience of more than twenty years in basic, secondary, vocational and university education in the areas of chemistry didactics, problem solving, evaluation, professional teaching practice, chemistry and biology, the last ten years focused specifically on medical training in the areas of biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. Researcher and co-investigator in educational research projects in educational institutions and with different Higher Education Institutions and Pedagogical Research Institutes, each of these participations has motivated interest in educational research and innovation based on scientific knowledge


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