Learning strategy to develop critical thinking in fourth grade students. Tax educational unit "fifteen of October".

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Freddy Leonardo Salvatierra-Avila
Mercedes Quijije-Barcia
Liliana Margarita Baque-Pibaque


Competency based education seeks to develop cognitive skills that allow students to generate critical thinking that translates into the ability of students to solve problems inside and outside the classroom. The main objective of this research project is to design a learning strategy to develop critical thinking in fourth grade students of the Fiscal Educational Unit "Quince de Octubre". In this sense, it is necessary for teachers to take advantage of the various moments of work in the field of education and be able to introduce or develop strategies to cultivate this criticality in students. Hence the importance of understanding the dimensions of reasoning, the criteria and intellectual elements necessary to develop critical thinking, and analyzing strategies to encourage active and reflective participation based on the academic level of students, since, by developing critical thinking it is a strategy that benefits learning in general. Therefore, the teaching of students and the methods of teachers must be transformed, that is, take a turn to change the routine memorization for critical thinking to face changes and contribute with new and creative ideas. This is why this research was educational because it adopts a dialectical perspective, using both quantitative and qualitative methods to study educational phenomena. In the field diagnosis, different methods, techniques and tools are applied to verify the objectivity of the problem. Both theoretical and practical approaches allow to identify causes, consequences and design instructional strategies based on systematic scientific references in a theoretical framework to guide the teaching process to better understand their potentialities, abilities, needs and therefore the increase of participation. of the students.


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How to Cite
Salvatierra-Avila, F. ., Quijije-Barcia, M. ., & Baque-Pibaque, L. . (2023). Learning strategy to develop critical thinking in fourth grade students. Tax educational unit "fifteen of October". 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1-1), 5-20. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.1-1.1548
Author Biographies

Freddy Leonardo Salvatierra-Avila, nidad Educativa Fiscal “Quince de Octubre’’ - Ecuador


Third Year Teacher of the Fiscal Quince de Octubre Educational Unit. Degree in Educational Sciences, Specialty Basic General Education, 

Master in Education from UNESUM University. 


Mercedes Quijije-Barcia, Unidad Educativa Fiscal “Quince de Octubre’’ - Ecuador


Teacher of Initial Education of the Educational Unit Fiscal Quince de Octubre. Bachelor of Early Childhood Education from the ULEAM University, Teacher of Initial Education at the UTM. 

Liliana Margarita Baque-Pibaque, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Professor of various professionalizing and humanistic subjects at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, Career Educators of Párvulos of the University of Guayaquil (UG). Teacher of Social Problems of Science and Technology at the State University of the South of Manabí, Master's Degree in Education module, Coordinator of the Initial Education section in the Educational Unit Nuestra Madre de la Merced, High School Teacher, Bachelor's Degree in Nursery Educator, Master in Educational Management, Doctorate (C) in Education César Vallejo de Piura University-Peru. Tutor of Research projects, Supervisor of Pre-Professional Practices, author of books and book chapters, scientific articles.


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