Relationship between human capital, quality of service and customer satisfaction Quality of service
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The quality of service has the fundamental purpose of meeting and exceeding customer expectations, which is why it has become an important and essential element for organizations and has been taken as a strategy to achieve competitiveness and customer satisfaction, allowing them to position themselves solidly in the market, without forgetting that the performance of human capital directly impacts the way and manner in which processes and procedures are developed within organizations, it is then, when human capital should be concerned about performing their activities and work as effectively and efficiently as possible.
The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between the performance of human capital, service quality and customer satisfaction, for which the Public Transportation Service is taken as a reference, where the different processes and procedures that are developed in this area and the way in which the personnel carry them out are analyzed, with the purpose of determining the influence they have on the quality of service and customer satisfaction. The study was descriptive and relational, with a non-experimental design. We worked with a non-probabilistic population census at the discretion of the researcher. An instrument was designed and applied to evaluate and measure customer satisfaction based on the user's level of satisfaction with the personnel and with the conditions of the service.
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