City brand as a promotional development strategy for the city of Salcedo
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The population of the canton of Salcedo has been affected by poor institutional policies, local migration and road development policies. These problems have caused consequences in the economy, a decrease in visitors and tourists. However, a proposal was presented to the GAD Municipality Salcedo with the objective of designing the strategy of the City Brand “Salcedo” and highlighting its importance as a factor of economic growth. The research addressed a non-experimental cross-sectional methodological design. In turn, a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative) was used, because it was necessary to corroborate the research problem through the literature review analysis, in addition, it was required to measure and estimate the magnitude of it. The scope of the study is correlational, as it intends to show important characteristics of the geographical area and its inhabitants. Through a survey consisting of twelve questions, structured by the Anholt model (presence, pulse, people, place, potential and prerequisites). The study sample was 362 tourists from the city of Salcedo between 25 and 40 years. The main results revealed that the city fits for the implementation of the model proposed by Anholt.
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