Incidence of social networks in judicial decisions and their effect on the principle of innocence.

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Kelvin Mauricio Cañar-Ramìrez


This article aims to determine the incidence of social networks in judicial decisions and their impact on the principle of innocence. The analytical, synthetic and descriptive method applied to topics such as social networks, judicial decisions, the principle of innocence and their interactions. It was established that social media are virtual sites hosted on the Internet where people and companies publish data about some situation. In addition, it was stated that judicial decisions are based on a precedent which is analyzed to dictate the final sentence. Also, it was emphasized that worldwide the principle of innocence is based on the fact that a person is innocent as long as the judicial system does not prove otherwise. Finally, it is concluded that social networks can have an important influence on the principle of innocence since it can pressure in some cases to plead guilty or be used as an aggravating circumstance at the time of imparting justice.


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Cañar-Ramìrez, K. (2022). Incidence of social networks in judicial decisions and their effect on the principle of innocence. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3). Retrieved from