La evaluación digital educativa en los procesos de aprendizaje: estudio de caso de la unidad educativa Juan Antonio Vergara Alcívar

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Kleyner Cristóbal Demera-Zambrano
Liseth Stefanía López-Vera
Denny Isabel Zambrano-Ormaza
Yilainy María Nevárez-Zambrano
Kenia Dolores Moreira-Chavesta


The current knowledge society is surrounded by digital environments that require specific skills to function in them. All this leads to a digital evolution, to a change that develops continuously in different rhythms, contexts and areas. Being the educational part, one of the most affected by these transformations, which in many cases is a problem for teachers and students who have little or no digital skills. For this reason, this work aims to analyze the digital evaluation in the learning processes of the Juan Antonio Vergara Alcívar Educational Unit. In this study, descriptive bibliographical research was used, with a qualitative-quantitative approach. Analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods and statistical method were applied. As a data collection instrument, a survey with multiple choice questions was applied to a sample of 30 teachers. The results obtained conclude that teachers apply digital evaluation in the learning process, obtaining multiple benefits to improve the quality of education, however; the percentage of its use remains low, thus limiting the development of digital abilities and skills in students. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to be trained in digital assessment issues to streamline the processes of knowledge acquisition. 



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How to Cite
Demera-Zambrano , K. ., López-Vera, L. ., Zambrano-Ormaza, D. ., Nevárez-Zambrano, Y. ., & Moreira-Chavesta, K. . (2023). La evaluación digital educativa en los procesos de aprendizaje: estudio de caso de la unidad educativa Juan Antonio Vergara Alcívar. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1), 70-80.
Author Biographies

Kleyner Cristóbal Demera-Zambrano , Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Degree in educational sciences, mention Preschoolers; Degree in educational sciences, English mention; Master in Innovation in Education. a competent person, responsible, leader, with an open mind for new challenges with the slogan of learning experience giving the best of me in the area in which I work. In my roles as a teacher by vocation, I have left my legacy representing renowned institutions such as the Ministry of Education, standing out as a teacher, author and co-author of scientific articles on educational issues, published in journals indexed in Scopus, Dialnet, Latindex, among others.  

Liseth Stefanía López-Vera, Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Degree in educational sciences, mention Preschoolers; Degree in educational sciences, mention English; Master in Innovation in Education; Early Childhood Education Teacher at the Temístocles Chica Saldarreaga Educational Unit. Author and co-author of scientific articles with educational topics, published in journals indexed to Scopus, Dialnet, Latindex, among others. 

Denny Isabel Zambrano-Ormaza, Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

I am Denny Isabel Zambrano Ormaza, licensed in educational management, Master in education and creativity, responsible, assertive and with a great vocation for service. I have the ability to work in a team, as well as empathy and patience with students, parents and co-workers, I am organized and persevering in the proposed projects. Author and co-author of scientific articles with educational themes, published in journals indexed in Scopus, Dialnet, Latindex, among others. 

Yilainy María Nevárez-Zambrano, Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Yilainy Maria Nevarez Zambrano 

Degree in Computer Science, Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí, Chone extension. Master in Innovation in Education, Pontifical Catholic University, Manabí campus, Chone campus. 10 years of experience as a teacher, currently a teacher at the basic level of the Temístocles Chica Saldarreaga Millennium Educational Unit in the Canuto parish, Chone canton, Manabí province. She is the author of 3 scientific articles in indexed journals. 

Kenia Dolores Moreira-Chavesta, Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Kenya Dolores Moreira Chavesta, Commercial Engineer, a person with many ideals and fixed goals willing to acquire new knowledge, honest, committed, responsible, with a good attitude for the work entrusted, with a high degree of sensitivity to the situations that happen where I work, dedicated always to my work performance in a solidary and competitive way, always doing my best to get the most out of my potential and give a good education to my students


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