Implications of the Scratch Program in the teaching process: a bibliographic review

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Angélica Milagros Huaripata-Huaripata


The recent study aims to investigate and analyze the information from theoretical and empirical research on the Scratch Program and its implication in the learning process, therefore relevant information has been collected and analyzed, resulting in the review of 45 investigations of which 30 scientific articles have been considered that are aligned with the proposed objective. In the reviewed studies, documentary bibliographic research is used as a methodology and as an instrument the critical reading of antecedents, taking into account the reference of studies from the last six years of publication. In the results, the implication of the Scratch Program in secondary school was instituted, therefore, the use of educational software in teaching is essential, because it allows the teacher to be clear about the learning purposes he seeks, the most creative way for them to children can meet the standards throughout the learning activity. It is concluded that the application of the Scratch Program has evolved the educational environment in an optimal way, changing the routine strategies of the teaching process; by those that favor the development of technological skills in schoolchildren.


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How to Cite
Huaripata-Huaripata, A. . (2023). Implications of the Scratch Program in the teaching process: a bibliographic review . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1-1), 190-198.
Author Biography

Angélica Milagros Huaripata-Huaripata, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca - Perú

I have a degree in secondary education, specializing in Communication at the National University of Cajamarca. Master in Public Management from the Cesar Vallejo University, Chiclayo headquarters, currently a PhD student in Education at the César Vallejo University, Lima headquarters. 


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