The impact of human rights on the Ecuadorian domestic prison legal system, which requires models of social reintegration for persons deprived of their liberty

Main Article Content

Andrea Isabel Chancay- Bermello


The purpose of the research "The Impact of Human Rights on the Ecuadorian Domestic Pris-on Legal System that Requires Models of Social Reintegration for Persons Deprived of Their Liberty" is to weigh the models of social reintegration proposed by the International Human Rights Organizations and Instruments, focused on those of which the Ecuadorian state is rati-fied that are part of the national iuris forum and evaluate the impact of decisions of Human Rights in the internal sphere of the Ecuadorian Prison Legal System.
The methodology projected in this scientific article has a mixed approach (Newman et al., 2002). Lieber and Weisner (2010) because the Qualitative and Quantitative Method was used.
The results and findings of the investigation were to identify the Ecuadorian penitentiary con-stitutional program in order to verify its real applicability in the centers of deprivation of liber-ty of Ecuador, the application of the Pro homine principle was verified in local and interna-tional human rights jurisprudence and the problem of super prison population was described, from which its solutions were evidenced through the use of penitentiary benefits. for the PPLs covered by the COIP schemes.
It is concluded that answers have been obtained with the analysis of the states of emergency carried out in Ecuador that demonstrated their low feasibility, not only enough of declarations of states of exception, but that the country needs a model of social reintegration for the PPL framed in Human Rights and good penitentiary practices, this is the importance of the comparative and qualitative theory that was used in local and international human rights regulations.


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How to Cite
Chancay- Bermello, A. (2022). The impact of human rights on the Ecuadorian domestic prison legal system, which requires models of social reintegration for persons deprived of their liberty. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 134-156.
Author Biography

Andrea Isabel Chancay- Bermello, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Fourth level titles: Magister in Civil Law and Civil Procedure of the Private Technical University of Loja.

Third level qualifications: Lawyer of the Tribunals and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador at the Alfredo Pérez Guerrero University in the city of Quito, Diploma in Human Rights at ULEAM, currently studying a Master's Degree in Criminal Law at PUCEM, Professional and academic experience : More than 9 years as a trial lawyer, She held positions as Teacher of the Fiscal Educational Unit Uruguay - Portoviejo, Judicial Attorney of Banco Pichincha, Legal Coordinator of Manabí of Collection Management of Banco Pichincha, Mediator and Accredited Arbitrator of the Chamber of Commerce of Manta and the Council of the Judiciary.


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Inicio - Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (

SNAI – Servicio Nacional de Atención Integral a Personas Adultas Privadas de la Libertad y a Adolescentes Infractores (
