Environmental noise generated in streets adjacent to markets in the city of Juliaca and its effects on human health 2021
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The evaluation of environmental noise was made at the entrances and exits of the streets near four markets in the city of Juliaca and its impact on the health of the population that circulates through these sectors. experimental. Four monitoring points were considered in each market, the measurement was made at hours (8:00 - 18:00), finding an LAeq value of 73.35 dB in the Manco Cápac market, this being the highest value found in the four markets evaluated. , concluding that there is a large percentage of monitoring points whose values are above the 70dB allowed in commercial areas according to the ECA for national noise; Of the surveys carried out, 27.34% of the population state that they generate headaches, 17.71% cause stress and anxiety, there is 17.19% who cannot concentrate, there is also 10.68% who have hearing problems and irritability, 4.17% had memory problems and only 1.04% said they had no problem at all.
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