Educational songs in the development of oral language and self-esteem in students of rural educational institutions in the Cusco region 2020

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Juana Arisaca-Mamani


The main objective of the study was to explain the influence of educational songs on the growth of orality and the improvement of self-esteem in the students of the II.EE. Rural Primary Schools of the Cusco Region - 2020. The study presented the quantitative research approach, the explanatory and descriptive method applied, the non-experimental design, the instruments used were questionnaires to a sample of 365 students, with the reliability level of Cronbach's alpha of 0.941 for the independent variable educational songs and 0.918 for the dependent variable orality. The main result was that the observed chi-square is 51.02, with 2 degrees of freedom, which is greater than the critical chi-square of the independent variable 5.99, and the observed chi-square is 22.75, with 2 degrees of freedom less than The critical chi-square value of the dependent variable is 5.99, concluding that educational songs have a positive impact on the development of orality. What allowed to determine the incidence of the students of the Rural Primary Educational Institutions of the Cusco Region in the year 2020. Concluding that, if there is a positive incidence of the independent variable of the School Songs vs dependent variable Development of Orality, therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.


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How to Cite
Arisaca-Mamani, J. . (2022). Educational songs in the development of oral language and self-esteem in students of rural educational institutions in the Cusco region 2020. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-1), 356-364.
Author Biography

Juana Arisaca-Mamani, Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez - Perú

Teacher in Primary Education EBR, with more than 11 years of service. 

Teacher with a second specialty in Intercultural Bilingual  Primary Education  at the National University of the Puno Altiplano. 

Maaster in Intercultural Bilingual Education and Educational Management, conferred by the Univ. Andina Néstor Cáceres Velasquez de Juliaca.. 


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