Environmental Criminal Law in Ecuador and its Relationship with the Principle of Proportionality

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Joe Burbano-Yánez


The Constitution of 2008 has taken a 360º turn in the way of perceiving nature or Pachamama, this has ceased to be seen as an entity that exists only for the service of human beings, and on the contrary has granted it the quality of subject of law, making it guarantee comprehensive protection, as an entity that has existed long before humanity and that has the right to regeneration, respect and restoration. This new biocentric conception has forced to activate criminal law in search of the prevention, investigation and punishment of acts that attempt against this new legal good, for this, this research will analyze if the use of criminal law complies with the principle of proportionality determining if the punitive measures applied internally are suitable, necessary and proportionate; or on the contrary, other rules of a less harmful nature could apply. Likewise, the creation of a specialized prosecutor's office on crimes against nature will be suggested, which will have the ideal technical, technological and economic knowledge to identify if an environmental crime has been committed and, if necessary, act in the defense and protection of the Pacha Mama; where the life of all of us is reproduced and developed. For this purpose, the qualitative method will be used in the use of doctrine and jurisprudence, and slightly the quantitative method, with the statistical database of the Attorney General's Office.


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How to Cite
Burbano-Yánez, J. (2022). Environmental Criminal Law in Ecuador and its Relationship with the Principle of Proportionality. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-3), 385-396. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.5-3.1455



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