Method for process improvement, as a competitive strategy in MSMEs in the province of El Oro, Ecuador

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Yanary Emelina Carvallo-Monsalve
María Beatriz García-Saltos


MSMEs constitute an important economic sector in the country, however, they have limited their production levels, due to a lack of knowledge of strategies and tools that generate greater efficiency and effectiveness in the processes. The objective of the research is to propose the implementation of a method for improvement as a tool to increase production levels and generate competitive advantages. The methodology was developed under a quantitative approach, a field and descriptive investigation, supported by documentary review, the population studied was 1406 MSMEs from the province of El Oro, considering the economic sectors of commerce, agriculture and service as being the most representative. The instrument used was validated with Cronbach's Alpha applying a pilot test, obtaining a value of 0.98. The surveys showed that there is a lack of knowledge of methods that can be used to improve production levels, lack of objectives that contribute to the creation of indicators and required standard levels. It is concluded that the implementation of strategies and methods strengthen the productive levels as a competitive strategy, allowing the resources used to be related to the production levels, allowing the objectives to be achieved, by relating the degree of investment and production, considering the quality levels.


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How to Cite
Carvallo-Monsalve, Y., & García-Saltos , M. . (2022). Method for process improvement, as a competitive strategy in MSMEs in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 39-47.
Author Biographies

Yanary Emelina Carvallo-Monsalve, Universidad Metropolitana, Sede Machala - Ecuador

Doctor in Advanced Management, Master Scientiarium in Administration, management and planning mention. Articles published in various magazines, participation in national and international congresses, under the line of research Administration, management and creation of companies as a result of the needs and problems of the economic and social context in Ecuador 

María Beatriz García-Saltos , Universidad Metropolitana, Sede Machala - Ecuador 

MARÍA BEATRÍZ GARCIA SALTOS, PhD. in Business Administration at the National University of San Marcos. Master in “International Business and Foreign Trade Management”. Higher Diploma in International Economics. Higher Diploma in Economy of Ecuador and the World. Higher Diploma in International Business Management. Commercial Engineer, Bachelor of Business Administration. Publications in peer-reviewed journals. Speaker at National and International Conferences. With experience in developing projects for Linking with society and research, "Credit Strategy for the promotion of the Microenterprise of the Productive Sector in the Province of El Oro", "Strengthening the Corporate Image in the Ecuadorian Company, as a Competitiveness Tool 


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