The progressive use of law enforcement in the Ecuadorian legal system

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Bielka Mariuxi Torres-Macias


The purpose of this investigation is to analyze conceptually and legally the progressive use of police force in the framework of the role of the State in guaranteeing citizen security and public order. It is therefore based on the principle that citizen security and public order are rights guaranteed by the State with responsibility for compliance by the National Police through the use of progressive force. However, a number of cases have been reported which indicate that the Ecuadorian legal system lacks protection when law enforcement officials use such use of force and resistance. In this regard, a legal and doctrinal study of the use of police force is carried out, within which principles, levels of force, resistance and other characteristics of this subject are analyzed. Following this, a mention is made of self-defence and with it, the difference of this legal figure, with the use of police force, is evident. From a methodological approach of a qualitative, documentary, descriptive and bibliographical nature we obtain information that results in the fact that citizen security is also one of the most relevant rights, because through this legal budget societies can develop in an environment of normality and free of actions that violate the democratic participation of citizens. It is concluded that there are shortcomings and gaps in the Ecuadorian legislation on this issue, because it is not correctly defined and adjusted to the right of those involved, So it denotes the helplessness of those who are in surveillance to guarantee our right to citizen security and these are law enforcement officers. 


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How to Cite
Torres-Macias, B. (2022). The progressive use of law enforcement in the Ecuadorian legal system. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 283-290.
Author Biography

Bielka Mariuxi Torres-Macias, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Bielka Mariuxi Torres Macias was born in Manta, Manabi. (June 17, 1975.)  

She studied at the Fe y Alegría No. 1 Private School in Manta city, her secondary studies were at the National High School for Ladies “Portoviejo”. She did her College Degree as a lawyer at the Private College “San Gregorio de Portoviejo”. Nowadays, she is working as Assistant Prosecutor, in the Attorney General's Office of the State of Ecuador 


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