Comprehensive reparation for crimes of sexual violence against women in the Canton of Portoviejo in 2021

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Mariuxi Alexandra Alvarez-Garcia


Comprehensive reparation in sexual crimes is complex, since the damages caused can be psychological, physical, emotional, material, or immaterial, it depends on what the damage is, the reparation will be appropriate, living in a Constitutional State of Rights and Justice. In this sense, the judicial system is responsible for protecting the right of victims, guaranteeing an adequate restorative and restorative integral reparation by justice operators, to repair the damage caused by the commission of the crime, since being a crime of a sexual nature the consequences on the integrity of the victim become incurable in cases.  

In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze the way in which comprehensive reparation has been treated in crimes of sexual violence against women. From a qualitative and quantitative methodological perspective, this problem is analyzed, particularly the focus is on the Portoviejo canton during the 2021 period. In addition, with a descriptive and bibliographic criterion, the legal and theoretical bases of this subject are presented, and the normative precepts of the international and national legal system are defined regarding the concepts related to this crime.  

Under these initial theoretical assumptions, it should be stated that this research has as its object of study the judicial practices around the integral reparation in crimes of sexual violence, from the point of view of its practical application in judicial headquarters, to assess to what extent the theoretical, constitutional, and legal requirements of said reparation are materialized through the judicial sentence.  


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How to Cite
Alvarez-Garcia, M. . (2022). Comprehensive reparation for crimes of sexual violence against women in the Canton of Portoviejo in 2021. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 272-282.
Author Biography

Mariuxi Alexandra Alvarez-Garcia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Mariuxi Alexandra Alvarez García, was born in the city of Quevedo, on May 13, 1973, studied at the Abdón Calderon Schools, Rodríguez Labandera School, San Gregorio de Portoviejo University, obtained the title of Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador , Currently Official of the State Attorney General's Office 


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