Analysis of the impact on Zaruma's real estate assets due to illegal mining and its effects on tourism Analysis of the impact on Zaruma's real estate assets due to illegal mining and its effects on tourism

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Fernando David Jaramillo-Prado
Joel Steeven Sarango-Lapo
María Isabel Bastidas


The present work characterizes the affectation to the real estate and tourism caused by illegal mining activity developed in Zaruma canton, El Oro Province, known as a city that has emblematic cultural heritage and whose economy is largely based on mining exploitation. This activity is a problem for its inhabitants and environment, since it is carried out illegally and creates irreparable consequences for the environment; mining has been present since remote years, thus generating a lack of control in the upper part of the province. Therefore, the main objective of the research is to analyze the impact of mining on the real estate heritage and its repercussions on the tourism sector. Therefore, a descriptive research was emphasized, taking a general vision for the explanation of the problem and through the application of a mixed methodology, which through the use of data collection instruments such as the survey and interview to the settlers and at the same time the execution of the observation technique, therefore, In conclusion, the results show that illegal mining has directly affected heritage assets, essentially real estate, and has also affected the tourism sector, given that real estate is one of Zaruma's main attractions, tourism has obviously been reduced, generating job losses and loss of income, among other things.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo-Prado, F. ., Sarango-Lapo, J. ., & Bastidas, M. I. (2023). Analysis of the impact on Zaruma’s real estate assets due to illegal mining and its effects on tourism: Analysis of the impact on Zaruma’s real estate assets due to illegal mining and its effects on tourism. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 44-60.
Author Biographies

Fernando David Jaramillo-Prado, Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

Private officer in banking, with experience for more than 10 years, currently assistant manager of commercial houses Banco Solidario, Manager owner of the cafeterias Empanadas de Elías located in the city of Machala for more than 3 years, partner and shareholder for more than 2 years in Asociación agrícola Perseverancia verde S. A, Chief Financial Officer of the Cantonal Agricultural Center of Machala, Provincial Coordinator of citizen collective Surgente, with more than 40 international and national courses and seminars on tourism, creation of business projects, commercial structures and commercial efficiency, graduated from the career of Hotel and Tourism Administration, passionate about the research of culture, tourism, nature and gastronomy of Ecuador.

Joel Steeven Sarango-Lapo, Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

Graduated from the career of Hotel and Tourism Administration of the Faculty of Business Sciences at the Technical University of Machala. Participation in courses related to digital marketing, advertising and graphic design for social networks. Academic experience in the development of scientific research projects.  Work experience in customer service in lodging establishments; food and beverages.

María Isabel Bastidas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Degree in Tourism from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.


Master in Tourism Direction and Management – ​​University of Alicante.


Master in Innovation in Tourism Management – ​​Specialization in Natural and Cultural Heritage Management – ​​University of Barcelona.


Studying PhD in Tourism – University of Alicante.


Member of the UTMACH Research Group 018. Author of various articles on Cultural Heritage and Tourism.


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