Impunity in the crime of psychological violence against women in the canton Portoviejo in the period 2019-2021.

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Anita Lucía Molina-García



Psychological violence against women is an attack on human rights and fundamental freedoms. Generally, this is not an abrupt situation, but systematic attacks that occur regularly for years. Victims tend to naturalize this type of act due to the prevailing social machismo and causes gradual loss of self-esteem, constant fears, depression and in more extreme cases suicide.


In this sense, the purpose of this article is to analyze the way in which impunity occurs from the filing of complaints, due to the non-cooperation of the victims and the non-affection, according to the result of the psychological expertise carried out to the victims in cases related to the crime of psychological violence against women. In addition, we analyze the scope of the diabolical test and how this type of procedure favors impunity. Another relevant aspect that is

analyzed in the present work is the fact of considering this type of actions as a contravention and not as a crime.


From a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach this problem is analyzed, particularly the focus is on the canton Portoviejo during the period 2019-2021. In addition, a descriptive and bibliographical approach presents the legal and theoretical foundations of psychological violence against women and defines the normative precepts of the international and national legal order with respect to related concepts with this crime.


Another relevant aspect is that this article seeks to obtain as a result the systematization and comparative analysis of the tax records of complaints of psychological violence against women in the period indicated through the Violence Unit Registries of Gender 1 of the Canton Portoviejo. The aim is to analyse the causes of the failure to punish perpetrators of this type of violence.


Keywords: psychological violence, women, impunity, legal system, complaints.




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How to Cite
Molina-García, A. . (2022). Impunity in the crime of psychological violence against women in the canton Portoviejo in the period 2019-2021 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 172-186.
Author Biography

Anita Lucía Molina-García , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Graduated from the Vicente Rocafuerte secular University of Guayaquil, Portoviejo extension as a graduate in Political and Social Sciences and Lawyer of the courts and tribunals of the republic. Graduated from the master's degree in criminal law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. She has 25 years of work experience performing functions in the public and private sector. She currently serves as an assistant to the state attorney general's office in the Gender Violence Unit 1, in the Portoviejo canton, Manabi province, Ecuador 


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