Dissemination campaign in social networks of the digital window, for procedures in the Municipal GAD of Sucumbíos
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With the immersion of Information and Communication Technologies, in the daily lives of millions of citizens globally; the relationship of individuals with the environment has been transformed. Faced with this new form of communication, society demands new means of relating to the public administration. In this sense, the State entities make their marketing services known; through digital platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Given this scenario, this study focuses on the analysis of social networks, as a tool for the dissemination of digital channels (digital window) of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Sucumbíos. The methodology used in this research is quantitative and descriptive. In which, a set of information gathering techniques was applied that allowed characterizing the problem under study; through the application of surveys to the users of the services offered by the GAD of Sucumbíos. Among the results of the investigation, we have the following: they have finished which is the most used social network by citizens, in which they are informed to know about the procedures and processes that they need to carry out, in the municipality. Finally, as a proposal for this problem, a series of strategies were defined for the design of a dissemination campaign aimed at the population of the Sucumbíos Canton, as a solution to the information problems that citizens have.
Keywords: Marketing, campaign, diffusion, social networks, digital window
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