The importance of preventing pretrial detention for individuals with mental disorders
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From a legal point of view, pre-trial detention measures do not apply to people with mental illness. However, the criminal authorities, in most cases, are ordering preventive detention without determining or diagnosing before their admission with seriousness or sufficiency the true psychiatric situation of the accused person. Due to this type of situation, criminal records are increasingly accompanied by documents that lack substantiation. This leads to the judicial body not applying a correct decision to the specific case, issuing measures such as preventive detention and other restrictions on their freedom. Forensic psychiatrists study criminal law in depth by promoting an evaluation of patients who must appear before the courts. Specialists conduct risk assessments on people with mental disorders within the process. In this way, judges can make better quality decisions based on a full report, avoiding the mistakes of granting pretrial detention to people with mental illnesses and replacing them with security measures.
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