The lack of declaration of insolvency in the Ecuadorian legal system and the possible violation of the creditor's right
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The general objective of this scientific article is to analyze the lack of declaration of insolvency existing in the Ecuadorian legal system and the possible violation of patrimonial rights to the creditor. The problem arises because article 416 of the General Organic Code of Procedures establishes that when the debtor does not comply with the execution order ordered by the judge, only the presumption of innocence is contemplated, in this sense it does not occur as in other legislations, that if the debtor does not comply with the execution mandate automatically, in the first place the insolvency is declared by the court of the case, and secondly the debtor can immediately execute the debtor's assets. This problem has caused a lot of discussion because those affected are of the criterion, that their credit is not guaranteed. The methodology used was based on the qualitative approach and for this purpose a comparative analytical method was used, since in order to provide a solution to the problem, provisions of Colombian, Peruvian and Chilean legislation were consulted, in which if there is a precise solution in relation to the problem posed in this investigation. Finally, this article made a proposal to modify article 416 of the COGEP, in order to protect the rights of the creditor and to decree the insolvency of the debtor at the time of not complying with the execution mandate derived from the competent court
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