The sole proprietorship of limited liability in the corporate law of Ecuador

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Jose Luis Vasconez-Fuentes


Corporate law focuses fundamentally on the need to reconsider the extension of the privilege of limited liability in the context of the modernization of this branch of law. For this reason, the objective focused on establishing key points such as the reform of the Companies Law so that sole proprietorships are included in it and therefore the Superintendence of Companies. The applied method had a proactive critical approach, of a qualitative nature, information contained in norms and legal bodies was reviewed, according to the design of grounded theory, which allows comparing and supporting the regulations on the sole proprietorship of limited liability in the corporate law of Ecuador. It was concluded that there are several weaknesses regarding the business model, since the perspective of the experts agrees that the benefits that the constitution of a sole proprietorship limited liability company brings should be disseminated since, due to the ignorance of the people who work in Informal sectors of production are not interested in establishing this type of business model that provides legal protection to workers.


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How to Cite
Vasconez-Fuentes, J. (2022). The sole proprietorship of limited liability in the corporate law of Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 115-124.
Author Biography

Jose Luis Vasconez-Fuentes, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic, Doctor of Jurisprudence with a specialty in Civil Law, Master in Business Law and Taxation, Certified Professional Mediator by the Argentine Catholic University, Graduated from PHD with a specialty in Economic and Monetary Law at the National University of Rosario - Argentina. In his work experience he has worked in different public and private institutions holding positions of advisor, institutional lawyer and Manager, Mediator in the Mediation Center “Arroyo Seco”, Province of Santa Fe Argentina, also working as a provincial labor inspector in the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo, as well as Provincial Coordinator of the Ministry of Labor for the Province of Cotopaxi. Head of Qualifying Titles in the Tungurahua National Transit Agency. Director of Operations and Quality Civil Registry Zone 3, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teacher at the Technical University of Ambato. Postgraduate Coordinator Technical University of Cotopaxi


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