Right to asylum and the responsibility of the Ecuadorian state: Julián Assange case study

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Mauricio Sebastian Parreño-Rivera
Diego Gonzalo Coca-Chanalata


Asylum is an entity of universal protection in human rights, whose modern origin is found in inter-American law, but its scope is universal, by virtue of the principles of non-refoulement, equal protection of the law and non-discrimination. In Latin America, the right of asylum is, therefore, a human right recognized as such in the American Declaration of Rights and Duties of Man, of 1948; in the American Convention on Human Rights, 1969; and, in the Caracas Convention on Diplomatic Asylum, of 1954, and in other regional instruments signed by the Ecuadorian state throughout the 20th century and since the end of the 19th century. The Ecuadorian state, by declaration of asylum, dated August 16, 2012, recognized the right of Mr. Julián Assange to seek, receive and enjoy asylum in any country after considering his well-founded fears of finding himself facing a real threat and potential persecution justified. politically motivated for having vindicated the rights of freedom of expression and information. In accordance with this rule of international law, Ecuador decided to recognize the Ecuadorian nationality of Mr. Julián Assange, granting him a letter of naturalization, bearing in mind that the Ecuadorian constitution proclaims certain principles of human mobility that cannot but be invoked in this asylum case, such as are the principles of universal citizenship and the gradual abolition of the condition of foreigner, rights that are guaranteed by our constitution. Pursuant to this antecedent, Mr. Julián Assange obtained Ecuadorian nationality and thereby acquired rights against the Ecuadorian State, as well as obligations before it. Later, when the State unilaterally and without establishing the proper procedure, withdrew his nationality, and this generated several legal conflicts, among them the due process, the legal security of the citizen, was violated; since in order to withdraw his nationality, in the first place the act that originated this right had to be declared harmful, by means of the injunction and through a process before the contentious administrative court. Finally, the process of granting the naturalization letter by the Ecuadorian state in favor of Julián Assange is analyzed as an acquired right, its connection with the right to identity and the veracity about the responsibility that Ecuador had when making decisions against an asylum seeker and later naturalized as an Ecuadorian; through the development of a jurisprudential research method from an explanatory descriptive research with a qualitative approach to reach the conclusions on this case.


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How to Cite
Parreño-Rivera, M. ., & Coca-Chanalata, D. . (2022). Right to asylum and the responsibility of the Ecuadorian state: Julián Assange case study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 483-500. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.5-1.1388
Author Biographies

Mauricio Sebastian Parreño-Rivera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Mauricio Parreño, is a lawyer in free practice and mediator in conflict resolution, currently in the final stage to obtain the title of Master in Public Management and Administrative Law from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador. Similarly, in the workplace, he is a member of the legal team of the "Carlos Poveda Moreno" legal office, based in the city of Latacunga-Ecuador. 

Diego Gonzalo Coca-Chanalata, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador


Master in Administrative Law from the Private Technical University of Loja, Specialist in Procedural Law from the Simón Bolívar Andean University, Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Technical University of Ambato. In the academic area, he is an undergraduate and graduate professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato from 2014 to the present. He is a member of the Institute of Administrative and Social Law Studies. He has served as Lawyer of the Zonal Coordination 3 of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion and General Secretary of the Provincial Electoral Board of Tungurahua among other public positions. 


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