Job performance: a study of absenteeism of health personnel in Tungurahua

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Camila Elizabeth Terán-Guzmán
Julio Mauricio Vizuete-Muñoz


Absenteeism is a factor that affects the work performance of employees of organizations. For this reason, the objective of the study was to determine the relationship between work absenteeism and the organizational performance of the staff of the first level medical units of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) of Tungurahua. The reports exposed by the IESS, and their causes were analyzed according to the quantitative approach to explain the behavior of the employees and their relational effects with their absence from work. The findings showed that, in 2018, there was a higher rate of absenteeism in relation to the periods 2017 and 2019, and it was estimated that the individual had been absent for different reasons 4 days on average. It is concluded that absenteeism does affect job performance. Therefore, if they generate deficiencies in worker performance and organizational productivity. 


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How to Cite
Terán-Guzmán, C., & Vizuete-Muñoz, J. . (2022). Job performance: a study of absenteeism of health personnel in Tungurahua. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 345-355.
Author Biographies

Camila Elizabeth Terán-Guzmán, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Technical University of Ambato 

  • Business Administration (Lic.) Egress: February, 2021. 




  • Experience in Leadership Development (Certification) 




  • “Marista” Group, logistical support, marketing and resource management. 


  • Commercial advisor 

Thomas Dealer 

  • Commercial advisor 



Student government 

  • Fund and Project management 


  • Creativity, action and service (CAS) 




  • Native, Spanish 
  • Intermediate, English 
  • Intermediate, Portuguese 

Other courses 

  • Creative content (GAD Municipality of Ambato) 
  • Financial culture (CRISFE Foundation) 

Julio Mauricio Vizuete-Muñoz, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

  • Commercial Engineer and Foreign Trade Engineer 
  • Master in Senior Management and in Commerce and International Business 
  • Student of the PhD Program in Organizational Sciences ULA- Venezuela 
  • Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees 
  • Current Coordinator of the Planning and Evaluation Unit of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato 
  • Former Rector and professor of the Higher Technological Institute "Liceo Aduanero" 
  • Former Director of Human Talent of the Technical University of Ambato 


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