The financial system and its role in the economic and social development of Ecuador

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Flor Alexandra Ortega-Ajila
Tamia Micaela Ramírez-Arias
Gladys Narcisa Zúñiga-Reyes


The role played by financial institutions in the country's economy is important, since through them an efficient allocation process is carried out, in regard to economic resources, promoting productive investment. Financial markets that seek to direct savings towards productive investments and allow companies and individuals to have investments. In such a way that people who start saving have an excellent remuneration for their money and companies can have said money to make their investments. That is why the financial system plays a very important role in the economic and social development of countries when managing risks and channeling capital for consumption and investment. On the other hand, international agreements admit that the objectives that have to do with sustainable development and the commitments assumed by the country can allow the role of the financial system to be presented according to the dynamism and demands of each market to which it is estimated to arrive In this way, the objective of this study is to analyze the financial system and the role it plays in the economic and social development of Ecuador, for its fulfillment a qualitative methodology is used, through a documentary study, which allowed knowing the criteria of different authors, giving as a result that the financial system is important for the economic and social development of each country, since it allows generating investments in business. 


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How to Cite
Ortega-Ajila, F. ., Ramírez-Arias, T., & Zúñiga-Reyes, G. . (2022). The financial system and its role in the economic and social development of Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6), 49-64.
Author Biographies

Flor Alexandra Ortega-Ajila, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Flor Ortega graduated from Accounting and Auditing, with experience in the development of linkage and research projects focused on improving the quality of life of the local population, through university intervention that enhances the strengths of organizations of production and marketing of goods and services. 

Tamia Micaela Ramírez-Arias , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Ramirez Arias Tamia Micaela graduated from the Technical University of Machala with a degree in Audit Accounting, my primary objective is to graduate and be able to obtain my degree as an Engineer in the Accounting and Audit branch and thus be able to complete a master's degree and continue enriching my knowledge. 

Gladys Narcisa Zúñiga-Reyes, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Professor at the Technical University of Machala, PhD in accounting and business sciences. 

Articles written from 2014 to 2019, proceedings 2019 papers, Science Week paper placed in a Book of Abstracts 2018. 


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