Determinants of economic growth in Ecuador

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Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera
Sidia Elizabeth Vera-Gutiérrez
Erika Sonia Quiñonez-Alvarado


One of the most interesting and relevant factors in terms of macroeconomic results is related to economic growth. This represents the increase or improvement of goods and services of a state and is defined as the purely transformation process in which a country increases its wealth over time; that not only involves the increase of money, but also the generation of value or wealth of a country and for current economists, all the theories, models and bases of classic and modern economic growth have allowed to converge in that the causes of it are diverse but can be grouped into 3 particularities. The first is that investment is essential for growth to exist, the second is that the education of the population is a determining factor in increasing production, and the third agrees that the technological process is decisive in obtaining greater productivity. Thus, economic growth can be broken down into two factors: the accumulation of productive factors and technological progress, and it is for this reason that this article aims to identify the determining factors of economic growth in Ecuador. This research presents a descriptive methodology and used official statistical information from entities such as the BCE and INEC to verify that the policies adopted have focused on the increase of cumulative factors oriented towards taking advantage of the opportunities of green growth, which has allowed the reactivation economy and stable growth of the country.


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How to Cite
Alvarado-Barrera, L., Vera-Gutiérrez, S. ., & Quiñonez-Alvarado , E. (2022). Determinants of economic growth in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 282-290.
Author Biographies

Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador

Part-time teacher of the International Relations career at the ECOTEC Technological University, Master in Business Administration with a mention in International Business, more than 7 years of teaching experience in public and private institutions 

Sidia Elizabeth Vera-Gutiérrez , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Executive Master in Business Administration with Emphasis in Strategic Management and Master in Business Administration; I also have a Higher Diploma in Marketing Management and a Specialist in Project Management. 

He currently works as a teacher in the Comptroller General of the State and University Teacher at the University of Guayaquil. 

Erika Sonia Quiñonez-Alvarado , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Certified Public Accountant with specialization in Finance, Master in Finance and Corporate Projects. His teaching experience is in national accreditation of educational programs and as an undergraduate university professor; author of books, chapters and scientific articles; Undergraduate and Master's thesis adviser. He has made international presentations. Member of the Ibero-American network of teachers and the ODAEE, etc. He has professional experience in Accounting and Quality Auditing, and as a teacher of higher education. 


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