Accounting functions and decision making: a vision from the professional accountant in training

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Astrid Valeria Correa-Aguilar
Julissa Cristina Taday-Jiménez
Ronald Eugenio Ramón-Guanuche


Nowadays, accounting has been established as a fundamental element for entities, providing organizations with transcendental information that contributes to timely decision making, which is measured through the impact generated in the business environment by financial, fiscal and economic accounting functions, a successful use of these functions establishes an adequate managerial decision making, thus guaranteeing the presence of a company as a going concern. In this sense, the present study focuses on an analysis of the functions that accounting fulfills in companies, specifically on how they contribute to the managerial decision-making process, from the perception of students in the last years of the Accounting and Auditing Career of the Technical University of Machala. In this context, a literature review has been approached from the perspectives of some authors, obtaining from them relevant aspects on issues related to accounting, the methodology used is quantitative with statistical analysis, which has been used in order to obtain results that help to extract significant information on the functions of accounting. Among the most relevant results, it can be observed that the accounting functions are of great importance, considering that these functions are capable of providing accounting information of great relevance that serves as support in the management decision making process.


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How to Cite
Correa-Aguilar, A., Taday-Jiménez, J., & Ramón-Guanuche, R. (2022). Accounting functions and decision making: a vision from the professional accountant in training. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 213-230.
Author Biographies

Astrid Valeria Correa-Aguilar, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Graduated from the Accounting and Auditing career at the Technical University of Machala, I did my pre-professional internship at the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Machala, and I completed my hours of work with society in a project with the Casacay organization related to production costs

Julissa Cristina Taday-Jiménez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Graduated from the Accounting and Auditing career at the Technical University of Machala, I did my pre-professional internship at Mercados Machala EP, and I completed my hours of work with the society in a project called "Social productive economic development, tourism with an ecosystemic approach of the Mariculture cooperative and artisanal fishing production of the Reciento Puerto del Conchero". 

Ronald Eugenio Ramón-Guanuche, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Accounting and Auditing Engineer – CPA, Technical University of Machala. Master in Auditing and Accounting, Technical University of Machala. Specialist in Taxation, Technical University of Machala, Associate Professor Level 2, Grade 2, UTMACH. Doctoral student in Social Sciences with a mention in Management, from the University of Zulia. Maracaibo, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 


Professor at the Technical University of Machala in the Accounting and Auditing career in subjects, Higher Accounting, Accounting III, Community Service, Budget I. 

In the Business Administration Career, professor of the Budget subject. 

Director of the research project "Strategic direction for the construction of competitiveness in the organizations of the cocoa sector in the province of El Oro" 


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