Analysis in the development of the preliminary proceedings and tutelary protection of the crime of usurpation of property, Second Criminal Prosecutor's Office of Quispicanchi - Cusco, 2021

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Freddy Gudiel-Castro
Hugo Neptali Cavero-Aybar
Juan Carlos Tacora-Quispe


The objective of this research is to analyze the development of the preliminary proceedings and tutelary protection of the crime of usurpation of property, Second Criminal Prosecutor's Office of Quspicanchi - Cusco, 2021. For this, the qualitative paradigm paradigm was used, which is of a descriptive method documentary, basic type and descriptive level; As for the sample, there were scientific articles, books, web portals, jurisprudence and doctrine regarding our research topic; that is, for data collection, the bibliographic review was used. Regarding the results: the preliminary proceedings are clearly urgent and urgent acts, and this is done before the knowledge of a criminal (fiscal) news; It is important to mention that the preliminary proceedings guarantee the success of an investigation and the probable cause of bringing those responsible to trial. This concluded that: It was possible to analyze the development of the preliminary proceedings and tutelary protection of the crime of usurpation of property; this result that the investigated can request the amparo action, this for the safeguarding of his constitutional right to property. However, this right may be suspended if required by national security or public necessity.


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How to Cite
Gudiel-Castro, F., Cavero-Aybar, H., & Tacora-Quispe, J. (2022). Analysis in the development of the preliminary proceedings and tutelary protection of the crime of usurpation of property, Second Criminal Prosecutor’s Office of Quispicanchi - Cusco, 2021. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 450-457.
Author Biographies

Freddy Gudiel-Castro, Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez - Perú

Magister in Constitutional Law and Constitutional Procedure, Doctorate in Law at the Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez [UANCV], Puno-Peru. 

Assistant in fiscal function of the Second Provincial Criminal Prosecutor's Office of Quispicanchi - Cusco District Prosecutor (09/2022 to date). 

Hugo Neptali Cavero-Aybar, Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez - Perú

Lawyer by the National University Federico Villarreal [UNFV]; with a Master's degree in Labor and Social Security Law from Alas Peruanas University [UAP]. He also has a Doctor of Law degree from the Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez [UANCV]. 

He currently has a Diploma in Labor Law and Labor Procedure; Diploma in Criminal Procedure Code and Oral Litigation; and, Diploma of Specialization in Family and Sexual Violence against Women, Children and Adolescents. 

Within the lines of research, I delimit the studies related to Human and Constitutional Rights in the State order and their impacts on the population (09/2022 to date). 

Juan Carlos Tacora-Quispe, Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez - Perú

Student in the Professional Academic Course of Law at the Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez [UANCV], Puno-Peru. 

Member of the Peruvian Institute of Intellectual Production, Puno-Peru (09/2022 to date). 


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