Dynamic capacities and financial profitability: A look at agroindustrial companies.

Main Article Content

Tatiana Elizabeth Agila-Salazar
Mayra Elsa Cárdenas-Pesantez
Carlos Bolívar Sarmiento-Chugcho


Agribusiness companies, regardless of their size or origin, continually face highly competitive markets, whose resources and capabilities become an important source for the development of competitive advantages. In the present investigation, a group of medium and large companies in the agro-industrial sector is studied. The implemented methodological design is quantitative, non-experimental and cross-sectional, as well as correlational-causal. A survey composed of 13 items measured on a Likert scale was applied. The initial population was 169 companies and the final convenience sample was 37 agro-industrial companies in the province of El Oro. The variables used were: dynamic sensing (SEN) - zeising (SEI) capacities and financial profitability, which were applied the Shapiro-Wilk statistical test to determine its distribution normality and the T-Student test to contrast the hypotheses and compare their means. Our findings show that the variable (SEN) behaves normally in both large and medium-sized companies, while the variable (SEI) behaves normally only in medium-sized companies, which indicates that those entities that manage to adapt to change and be assertive , achieve greater long-term sustainability and financial performance. It was shown that medium-sized agro-industrial companies are the most benefited, because they apply the SEN and SEI dimensions within their processes, achieving greater competitive advantages and facilitating their adaptability to change.


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How to Cite
Agila-Salazar, T., Cárdenas-Pesantez , M. ., & Sarmiento-Chugcho, C. . (2023). Dynamic capacities and financial profitability: A look at agroindustrial companies . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 230-244. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3.1320
Author Biographies

Tatiana Elizabeth Agila-Salazar, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Tatiana Agila, student graduated from the Technical University of Machala in the Business Administration career, proactive, intelligent, and collaborative, with knowledge in business management. 

She was born in the City of Loja-Ecuador, daughter of exemplary parents and working class. Within her university life, she was part of a research program called research seedbeds for 2 years. 

Mayra Elsa Cárdenas-Pesantez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


My name is Mayra Elsa Cárdenas Pesantez. With the desire to be a great professional, I began studying Business Administration at the Technical University of Machala, from which I am in the process of graduating. During this stage, I have been part of hotbeds of research and presentations, processes that have contributed in my academic and professional training. 

Carlos Bolívar Sarmiento-Chugcho, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Master in Project Management from the Polytechnic School of the Litoral- Postgraduate School of Business Administration, has a Master in research and educational innovation from the Casa Grande University, as well as a Specialty in Public Policies and Decentralized Management in education from the Latin American School of Social Sciences. He has a Sufficiency in the English language obtained at the Higher Polytechnic School of the Army. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Alicante, Spain. He served as Academic Coordinator of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences from March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016. He has been a speaker at national congresses: II International Congress of Science and Technology, CTEC 2016 with the topics: Transformation from conventional medium-sized companies to intelligent companies in the city of Machala; Economic census of merchants in the urban area of ​​the city of Machala and Design Thinking in the development of entrepreneurship and innovation projects in higher education students. III International Congress on Research and Innovation in Business Development with the theme Innovation in small and medium-sized companies, the commercial sector, a look from R&D. In the same way, he has been an international speaker at the International Conference on Economic Devolopment and Social Sustainability VI EDASS. He has written the following specialized books: Eduardo Pulla – Carlos Sarmiento, 2016, Investment Projects, Technical University of Machala, Machala, Ecuador, 154 pp. Alexandra Solórzano - Carlos Soto, Mario Maridueña, Carlos Sarmiento, Salomón Arias, Irene Feijoo, 2017, Entrepreneurship for Life, Compas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 274 pp. Carlos Sarmiento, Alexandra Solórzano – Isabel Ramón, Feijoo, 2017, Cases of investment projects, Compas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 125 pp. He has been the author of a chapter with Juan Guerrero – Carlos Sarmiento, 2016, III Chapter, Financial Mathematics for Investment Projects, Technical University of Machala, Machala, Ecuador, 124 pp. 


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