Analysis of the financial management system and its effect on the budget of the autonomous decentralized municipal government of Latacunga 2019-2020

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Carmen Amelia Casa-Chicaiza
Mishell Estefanía Masapanta-Molina
Oscar Marcelo Cadena-Chávez


Financial management systems are designed to lay up different financial transactions, the problem occurs when there are updates in the system, so it limits the delivery of information to its operators. The objective of the work was to examine the efficiency of the financial management system (SIGAME) by means of the statistical technique of confirmatory factor analysis for the checking of budget control in the financial department of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Latacunga. The research applied the quantitative method to evaluate the perception of the 87 participants according to the variables: trust, efficiency, improvement processes, internal control, information insecurity and budget. There was response precision in the total explained variance matrix of 76.87% of the constructs. It was concluded that SIGAME is not efficient, so there is a saturation of information, due to the constant updates of the system. However, if there is planning and organization in the budget that meets information security standards.


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How to Cite
Casa-Chicaiza, C. ., Masapanta-Molina, M., & Cadena-Chávez, O. (2022). Analysis of the financial management system and its effect on the budget of the autonomous decentralized municipal government of Latacunga 2019-2020. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5), 136-154.
Author Biographies

Carmen Amelia Casa-Chicaiza, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L - Ecuador


Carmen Amelia Casa Chicaiza is a graduate in Finance and Auditing CPA from the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Latacunga. Currently, she is an intern at the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Latacunga. 

Mishell Estefanía Masapanta-Molina, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L - Ecuador


Mishell Estefania Masapanta Molina is a graduate in Finance and Auditing CPA from the University of the Armed Forces Espe Latacunga, currently working in the company ARQUSS CONSTRUCTIONS

Oscar Marcelo Cadena-Chávez, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L - Ecuador


Oscar Marcelo Cadena Chávez, He has fourth-level academic degrees of Magister in Quality and Productivity Management (Ecuador) and a Diploma in University Learning Management (Ecuador), holds the third-level title as Business Engineer (Ecuador). He is currently a part-time professor of the Finance and Auditing Program at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Member of the Commercial Engineering Career Council. 


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